Dear all,
Here is some news from team members:
-Discussion with Teledermatology Solution providers (Derma2go and Intellistream). There is a GDPR requirement and validation problem making that data cannot be shared with partners such as Nurithm in India. The solution around this is that before we discuss the API intgration, we should create a model and send the federated learning trained model to the solution provider. The fine tuning then of the model can be fed back through the model algorithm. This highlights the importance of using federated learning - technical collaboration with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences / Nurithm and the University Hospital of Basel -The Presentations of the whole conference RDTCconference are available here: (Password is RDTC2021) -Presentation about the project to Dr Ivy Lee ( American Academy of Teledermatology Task force). (Presentation to the whole team in May)
-Poster presentation to the AAD Annual meeting in April. -Presentation of the PASSION project to the American University of Beirut Medical Centre (AUBMC)in April. Led by Professor Abdul-Ghani Kibbi. -Presentation at an AI symposium organised by the Indian Association of Dermatologists and venereologists (Feb 28) -Presentation about the project to Professor Olivia Keiser (University of Geneva, the Graph Network)
-Discussion with Yannick Klofenstein (IBM, Switzerland): collaborations on workflows and legal issues.
-Discussion with Dr Dilip Kumar from Bangalore (LuminDx) about supplying 4000 labelled images to Nurithm (wide range of diagnoses). The estimate of 5 diagnoses that Passion project is focussed on are as follows: Impetigo: 40 Scabies: 35, AD: 23, Other Eczema: 140, Tinea: 500, Insect bites: None. We will update Dilip based on the accuracy obtained on the trained model.
-RDTC annual meeting (15Jan): Presentation of the project in Dermatology on Social Media:
-Frank Smith - Transform Health. Presentation of the project and Introduction of Indonesian team.
-Discussion with Jeremy Hendricks of Nala Care: follow up APP for patients with Atopic Dermatitis / eczema
India (New partner since February): Nurithm Labs & All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi: Somesh Gupta and Sharad Kumar
-Publication in JEADV to recognise 40 skin conditions. Publication available here:
-MOU to use their Machine Learning technology to recognize 40 skin conditions to apply to the 5 diseases of the project.
-Adaptation of the front end app through rebranding.
-API integration into the tele dermatology solutions: Derma2go and an alternate one called Intellistream.
Guinea (New partner since January 8): Dr Ibrahima Traoré (Gamal Nasser University in Conakry).
-MOU signed
-Abstracts submitted for:
-Journées Dermatologiques de Paris in December
-the International Congress of Dermatology in Melbourne (November 2021)
Case collection (end of February) through cases: Dermatite a Paederus: 17 (Piqure d’insectes), Pytiriasis versicolor: 02 , Tinea Capitis: 09, Scabies: 08 Tinea corporis: 10, Shingles: 04, intertrigo toes: 07, Tinea pedis: 04, intertrigo buttocks: 01, irritant contact dermatitis: 03, allergic contact dermatitis: 01, atopic dermatitis: 01, onychomycosis: 05
-Dr Onivola has joined us and is responsible for the Teledermatology part of the data collection part in Madagascar
-Mendrika is still responsible for the collection through Case collection (end of February) through
-Patients attending the clinic have been scarce because of Covid19
Collected images:
Previous images around 2600
Prospective: Total 100 (86 via, Impetigo 4 cases, Tinea 23 cases, Scabies 36 cases, Insect bites 3 cases, AD/eczema 31 cases, Fungal and seb derm: 3 cases

China -Datasets still collected but discussions still need to resume. (Budget has been adapted to to structural adjustments stemming from 2020 reports not supplied to the Foundation)
Mali team (Prof Ousmane FAYE and Cheikh Omar Bagayoko)
Appointment of residents managing the project
Still awaiting for the 5 test cases and contract signatures
Mexico (Dr Catalina Rincon Perez)
prospective Total 11: Impetigo: 1, Fungal: 2, Eczema/AD:3, Insect bites:3, Scabies: 1
Indonesia (Dr SK Sulistyaningrum)
prospective Total 7
Mauritania (Dr Kobo and Mahmadou Ball)
still waiting for official admin approval
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